During this cross-sector training course, you will receive an introduction to toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics as well as toxicological testing and thresholds. You will also learn about exposure assessment and risk characterisation of chemicals for human health.
The aim of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour in companies’ operations and across their global supply and value chains. It has entered into force in July 2024 and the EU Member States are working on the transposition of the Directive into national law. Companies throughout the EU will be obliged to ensure compliance with environmental and human rights standards in their supply and value chains. What will the new directive bring and how can companies prepare for it?
Get practical guidance on using IUCLID for documenting and submitting plant protection product data. Learn all you need to know about the options and potential glitches, when making a PPP-related submissions in IUCLID.
This cross-sector training course will familiarise you with ecotoxicological concepts and the principles of an environmental risk assessment.
For many years now, this conference has been a major event in the plant protection industry. Listen to the various viewpoints represented by the authorities, the industry, and the research sector. This event is of interest to anyone involved in the assessment of pesticides in air, soil and water.
This conference is dealing with the latest developments in the detection of pesticide residues in food. For experts of residue analysis, a compact programme is offered on regulation, method & tool development and monitoring.
For many years now, this conference has been a major event for manufacturers of packaging materials and food producers and we always keep this conference up to date addressing the most relevant topics in food contact materials, including EU legislation, all important topics from analytics to safety assessment as well as hot topics.
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