BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//akademiefresenius// METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241015T10:0000 DTEND:20241015T15:1500 LOCATION:Online Training DTSTAMP:20241202T080000 SUMMARY:Online Training: Genetic Toxicology within the Framework of the Plant Protection Regulation URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:Dive into the intricacies of genetic toxicology and meet the regulatory requirements specific to plant protection products This training is aiming to give you the basic knowledge of genetic toxicology within the framework of Regulation 1107/2009, with an overview of assay conduct, data generation and evaluation.\n\n\nDie Akademie Fresenius GmbH \nAlter Hellweg 46 \n44379 Dortmund \nTel: +49 231 75896-50 \nFax: +49 231 75896-53 \ \ \n\nGeschäftsführerin: Anja Staudenmaier \nSitz der Gesellschaft: Dortmund \nGerichtsstand: Dortmund \nHandelsregister Dortmund HRB 11431 \nUSt-IdNr: DE170052253\n\n UID:1733168497-2024-10-15T10:0000-2024-10-15T15:1500 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR