BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//akademiefresenius// METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241008T09:4500 DTEND:20241009T15:0000 LOCATION:Leonardo Royal Hotel Köln - Am Stadtwald DTSTAMP:20241202T080000 SUMMARY:13th International Akademie Fresenius Conference: Residues of Food Contact Materials in Food URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:For many years now, this conference has been a major event for manufacturers of packaging materials and food producers. Participants will discuss how migrating substances from recycled plastics, paper based packaging, coatings, adhesives, mineral oil, bisphenol A and other undesirable elements affect the packaged food.\n\n\nDie Akademie Fresenius GmbH \nAlter Hellweg 46 \n44379 Dortmund \nTel: +49 231 75896-50 \nFax: +49 231 75896-53 \ \ \n\nGeschäftsführerin: Anja Staudenmaier \nSitz der Gesellschaft: Dortmund \nGerichtsstand: Dortmund \nHandelsregister Dortmund HRB 11431 \nUSt-IdNr: DE170052253\n\n UID:1733171515-2024-10-08T09:4500-2024-10-09T15:0000 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR