BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//akademiefresenius// METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20250313T10:0000 DTEND:20250314T13:0000 LOCATION:Online Training DTSTAMP:20241202T080000 SUMMARY:Online Training: Fertilisers and Plant Biostimulants under the Fertilising Products Regulation URL;VALUE=URI: DESCRIPTION:This online training sheds light on recent regulatory topics and gives helpful compliance tips. It will enhance your understanding of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation (EU) 2019/1009. It will also focus on biostimulants, which now fall under this same regulation, and discuss borderline cases with plant protection products.\n\n\nDie Akademie Fresenius GmbH \nAlter Hellweg 46 \n44379 Dortmund \nTel: +49 231 75896-50 \nFax: +49 231 75896-53 \ \ \n\nGeschäftsführerin: Anja Staudenmaier \nSitz der Gesellschaft: Dortmund \nGerichtsstand: Dortmund \nHandelsregister Dortmund HRB 11431 \nUSt-IdNr: DE170052253\n\n UID:1733173479-2025-03-13T10:0000-2025-03-14T13:0000 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR